Albatross II
Oil on Canvas



Commissioned by a collector in Washington.


••• Canvas Preparation •••



Step 1
Today I finished the underpainting in red acrylic, and sketched the outline of the ship. In this piece, the red interacts with the transparent oils to create a lively purple color in the storm clouds. The red peeks through in areas to create variations in the color.


••• Painting with Oils •••



First Day of Oils
The sky was added today, and it felt nice to do another piece with these gentle wispy clouds after so long. I began a loose layout of the ship and will give it some time to dry before moving ahead . The light reflecting on the right side where the horizon meets the sea is hiding a darker area of rain, but I will try to catch that in the next photo.


Session 2
Today I began painting the ship. I really enjoy painting rusty things – I guess it’s just the combination of colors, or the ease of making it look realistic. I don’t know, but I plan to do more rusty things in the future! I used Indian Red and a couple different yellows, with a few hints of Alizarin Crimson here and there. There a few other mixed in too, to add some interest. I will still have a fair amount of detailing to do on the ship, but I’ll be moving on to the water and sand next. All in all, a productive day!


Session 3
In this sitting, I was able to complete the ocean and the sand, along with the final few pieces of the ship. Taking that leap to adding the foreground is always a bit scary! Blending the previous, dry work with the new wet oils, and trying to create a transition to the foreground that moves the eye forward is challenging, but I am very pleased with how this turned out. I have done this piece a few times, and with each one, the image comes together better. This is a good example of the benefit of commissioning a piece if you like something that has already sold. Not only do you get the piece you truly want, but chances are it will be even better than the one you see on this site. I continue to learn with each project, and strive to incorporate what I have learned into each new piece.

I have just a few finishing touches to add, and this will be complete!

The final piece has been added to the Gallery section. Let me know what you think!

See you again soon…

© Copyright 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved

© 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved