Evening Tide
Oil on Canvas



Step 1
Underpainted started using red acrylic.
I know… looks like 2001 A Space Odyssey, but in reality, it is exactly the opposite of that composition…


Step 2
The rest of the underpainting has been added using yellow, blue and black. I know there is a big gap in time here, but I started (and completed) a portrait project during this time (Christmas gift).


••• Painting with Oils •••



First Day of Oils
The most wonderful thing about oils is that you can spend a couple hours creating an abomination like the one pictured above, and in 10 minutes you can wipe it all off and be right back where you started – which is exactly what I did with this horrific sky!


Session 2
Much Better! I redid the sky based upon a photo I took off of my back deck, and I am much happier with this. This was all done in a single (long) day. Though I personally prefer the light, wispy clouds I typically do, I am making an effort to capture all of the different, magnificent cloud formations I see here in Colorado and elsewhere.


Session 3
Here is a detail of the figure. She is definitely a bit of a different genre than most of the figures in my work, but I am consciously working to branch out and include different types of figures that will depict a wider span of time. Those of you who know me may recognize this strawberry blond, braided ponytail.


Session 4
Back to work on this little gem. I did the wall on the left, and will go back over it with glazes to change the hue of the upper wall, and to add more depth and shadowing overall.


Session 5
I added a red glaze over the wall closest to the viewer to begin casting the shadows that appear as you move further from the opening at the end of the alley. I also added a milky blue glaze over the window frame to tone down the green a bit. I will go back and put a black glaze over all of this to create more depth and a greater focus on the figure.


Session 6
Added the first of the black glazes on the wall to continue to build depth. Also did a bit of the glaze on the figure as well. The glaze is very transparent, so the original colors still show through. The photo looks a bit darker than it actually appears.


Session 7
Painted the wall on the right and the stone walkway.
I will need to go back and add a dark glaze over the wall on the right, and perhaps the walkway, once dry. A few details after that and it will be complete.


Session 8
Here is the final piece. I added some more dark glazing over the building on the right side, and on the foreground of the stone walkway. Though I had decided to rename the piece “Windows”, I have since gone back to the original title “Evening Tide”.

The final piece has been added to the Gallery section. Let me know what you think!

See you again soon…

© Copyright 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved

© 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved