Fisherman’s Wife
Oil on Canvas


••• Canvas Preparation •••



Step 1
Wish me luck with this one! 

For me, this project is a step up to a larger (more expensive!) canvas, and a subject with much more detail. Quite different than previous projects.

Underpainting done using black gesso with red and yellow acrylics, as usual. The important thing at this stage is to get the perspective correct.

The other primary goal is to set the stage for the figure to really jump out as the focal point. I envision a kind of ghostly “glow” about her. I’m started with a thick, pure titanium white underpainting, and will continue to build over this with thin oils.


••• Painting with Oils •••



First Day of Oils
I used a blue-grey color for the stucco on the wall (left), and then did some shading near the top with a thin black “wash”. I am already getting tired of painting window frames!

Once the frames are done, I put a bit of black  on the tip of a flat brush and pull down beneath the windows for the water stains. 

I know it doesn’t look like much yet, but it’s a big wall!


Session 2
Today I did a little more work on the background. I used a bit of white on a flat brush to add some highlights to the window frames and used black to finish up the shadows under the frames. I also added some details in the windows.

Then I moved on to the building behind and to the right of the figure. This consisted of the light colored bricks, tan stucco wall and the window with curtains.


Session 3
First it was window frames – now it’s bricks!

Today I am a bricklayer, and the last building in the background is all brick too! – I feel so lucky : )

The bricks are done by painting in different shades of a reddish-brown and then going over them with a variety of colors on a flat hog’s hair brush to create some interest and detail.


Session 4
Things will start moving pretty quickly now that most of the background is complete. I’ll need some drying time before I put in the final background details but I can continue with other elements.

The bricks on this last building are a wider variety of colors than the other buildings. Since the wall is facing directly at the viewer it is best to break up the monotony of all those bricks with some varying shades of the reds and browns There are also some remnants of stucco added here and there to portray an overall  weathered look.


Session 5
NOW we’re finally making some progress!

Today I finished the last of the details on the buildings and began moving to the foreground elements. I painted in the figure and the fisherman’s boat.

I’ve begun working on some of the smaller details, like the wooden elements sticking up  out of the water.  And, speaking of water…


Session 6
What was it Bob Ross used to say? “We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy accidents”? Sorry Bob, you never saw this face!

(Left) That’s no “happy accident”, it’s a hideous nightmare!
(Middle) Ouch! That’s gotta hurt!
(Right) Ah, my sweet, sorrowful madonna!

Now that this is fixed, I can sleep at night again.


Session 7
So today I tackled the water. I chose this green to represent that sunlight-filtered color seen in the canals of Venice. I blended in forward to deepen the color around the foreground edges. I then went back and added some ripples and reflections where the water meets the building. The white underpainting of the figure really helps it to jump out as the focal point. My goal with this was to create a piece that was busy, but with a focal point that really grabbed the viewer’s eye, and evoked some calmness and serenity.

A few more details in the background and this one will be complete.



Session 8
Finally, I added some flowering plants in the window boxes up near the top of the buildings facing the viewer. This creates an element to draw the eye up and around the canvas. 

I added some final highlights and more detail to background, and a BIG project is completed!

This one will also show at the opening of The Peanut Gallery in April.

The final piece has been added to the Gallery section. Let me know what you think!

See you again soon…

David signature 250x118 1

This piece recently sold to a collector in Arizona.

© Copyright 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved

© 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved