Flamenco Red
Oil on Canvas



Red. I love color red. It is currently my favorite color. The reason I began this painting is because I never get to paint with my beloved red.

I love the power and grace of the flamenco dancers, and the color red is easy to associate with their traditional dress. I found this image online and immediately fell in love with it. It turns out it is a very talented dancer from australia – but that’s a whole other story.


••• Canvas Preparation •••



Step 1
Every once in a while I wonder what will happen if I paint something more “traditional”. How many artists do you suppose have painted the Flamenco Dancer? – Millions!?

No promises that this painting will ever actually get done, but, the underpainting is complete using red acrylics and black gesso.


••• Painting with Oils •••



First Day of Oils
I should know better than to form opinions of my work by looking at the underpainting. After completing the prep, I was not too enthusiastic and it took me 2 months to come back to this project.

I added a splash of red in the black background and completed the top portion of the figure, including the face.

Now I am beginning to see what I was envisioning in the first place, and my passion to finish this one has been re-ignited.


Session 2
As wet as this whole canvas is, I managed to not ruin it by sticking my hand in it more than about 3 dozen times!

The contrast of the red and black creates a lot of impact in this piece. The addition of the textures and turquoise stones adds enough fine detail to give the eye somewhere to roam.

I really have grown to like the mood conveyed within this piece. I think I’ll hang this one in my home and stare at it for awhile.

The final piece has been added to the Gallery section. Let me know what you think!

See you again soon…

© Copyright 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved

© 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved