Size: 30″x15″
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Working Title: Girl Waiting





















••• Canvas Preparation •••



Step 1
This is a more detailed underpainting than I normally do, but I am seeing a benefit to this, especially with the portraits. By using a different medium I can play around with the transparency of the oils, which is encouraging me to experiment with different techniques as I go.


••• Painting with Oils •••



First Day of Oils
The background has been painted in oils.
I am being purposeful with the composition and use of empty space on this one. I know the photo isn’t all that great, the dark blues kind of disappear, but I will photograph it outside at some point.


Session 2
Detail: Here you can see just a bit more of the detail in the underpainting.


Session 3
I’ve done the face and hair, and started down the arm. I’m using a different color pallet than usual with this one. I’m really just experimenting here. I want to focus more on this type of work in the future and want to perfect my techniques. I try to keep learning constantly, and right now I am reading “Portrait Painting Atelier: Old Master Techniques and Contemporary Applications”, by Suzanne Brooker & Domenic Cretara. It has some great portrait palettes that are designed based upon the subject, lighting etc., and it is helping work the colors in a different order, which I think will ultimately improve my work.


Session 4
Detail: A closer look at the entire figure. I think the flesh tones are a little better with this piece over my last one, but I’ve still got a lot to improve upon before I am satisfied.


Session 5
Detail: A closer look at the face. I am realizing how much easier it is to pull the features together on a larger piece. It is much easier to capture the details, like color transitions in the eyes and the focus of her gaze.

I need to see if I can find someone who can help me get the results I want and do another photo shoot. I need more soul in her eyes and expression.

I am in no hurry to finish this one, so it may take a while to complete.


Session 6
To be honest, I don’t know when I went back and finished the rest of the body on this one. Probably on a day where I was “patiently” waiting for something to dry, or maybe as a warm-up on a day where I was working on an important piece. At any rate, as I was looking through the site I ran across this page and realized the last photo was not up to date. All that is left is the stool,  dress and pearl necklace which are still just showing the underpainting. I shot this photo on my cell phone so it’s not all that great. When I finish the piece I promise to shoot better pictures of it.


Session 7
Well, I have completely redesigned my Studio and am just now getting back to work. I’ll post some updates on that elsewhere on the site, but one of the things I did was to install 5000k lights, which are the closest to natural sunlight. This allows me to paint with the same light conditions day or night and achieve more accurate color matching. Although this photo was taken with my iPhone, you can probably see a difference from the previous pictures taken under a warmer light source. I promise to take a better photo soon – just been crazy-busy.

I worked on the dress for several hours yesterday and started on the pearl necklace. I also “oiled in” the rest of the piece to get the colors back to their fresh, brilliant state. One more sitting should just about wrap this one up.

Thanks to Brigitte for inspiring me to get off my duff and finish this piece. I think it is a good way to kick off the new year (no Super Bowl pun intended – GO BRONCOS!!).


Session 8
Well,this has been a loooong time coming! I finished this piece today and I can’t believe it took me so long. I love doing portrait work, but kept getting sidetracked.

The stool came out good, and overall I am satisfied with this one. Small portraits are difficult to do, so this was great practice. It was very overcast when I took this outside to photograph it so the colors are a bit whacked. I’ll take a better photograph and  add it to  the Gallery in the next couple days.

The final piece has been added to the Gallery section. Let me know what you think!

See you again soon…

© Copyright 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved

© 1996-2025 – David Fedeli Fine Art • All rights reserved